Madison County
Health Department
24/7 573-783-2747 opt. 1
Fax 573-783-8039
Water Testing
Water and private well water testing is available through the Madison County Health Department. Citizens of the county are offered Bacteria testing (coliform and E. coli) and Mineral Analysis testing. The mineral analysis includes: pH, Nitrate, Chloride, Sulfate, Fluoride, Iron, Manganese, Lead, Copper, Zinc and Aluminum.
Citizens of Madison County can do their own Bacterial water sample or call the Madison County Health Department to schedule someone to come and take the sample for you at 573-783-2747 x313. The Missouri Department of Health State Public Health Laboratory supplies sterile 100 ml bottles and forms for the public to use. These bottles can be obtained at the Madison County Health Department front desk. The Laboratory may bill you $10.00 per sample after they analyze your water and provide your result, some exception do apply. Water cannot be analyzed from any other container except the one provided by the lab.