24/7 573-783-2747 opt. 1
Fax 573-783-8039
Madison County
Health Department
Women's Health
Family Planning • Prenatal Case Management •
Show Me Healthy Women • Pregnancy Testing •
Family Planning
Madison County Health Dept. provides Clinic Space for a Family Planning Clinic. East MO. Action Agency provides a family planning clinics at the Health Dept. on the third Tuesday of each month, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. For an appointment call 573-454-2201
Prenatal Case Management for Pregnant Women
Case management services are available for MO Health Net eligible pregnant women who are “at risk” of poor pregnancy outcomes and are intended to reduce infant mortality and low birth weight by encouraging adequate prenatal care and adherence to the recommendations of the prenatal caregiver.
Risk Appraisal
A risk appraisal is a set of criteria to be used in identifying pregnant women who are at risk of poor pregnancy outcomes, and children who have or are at risk of developing, physical, psychosocial and/or developmental problems.
Any eligible pregnant woman, who meets any one of the identified risk factors, as determined by the administration of the Risk Appraisal for Pregnant Women, is eligible for prenatal case management services. The prenatal case management program seeks to encourage healthy behavior for mothers in order to deliver healthy babies. A nurse case manager follows the mother’s health care monthly throughout her pregnancy and provides two follow-up visits after her baby is delivered.
Women enrolled in case management may receive the following services:
Temporary Medicaid
Information and referrals
Education on a variety of subjects, including:
Harmful effects of alcohol, drugs and tobacco to both mother and infant
Gestational diabetes
Prenatal care
Healthy lifestyles
Preterm labor
Please call 573-783-2747 ext. 420 or ask for Jackie Berry for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Show Me Health Women is a free breast and cervical cancer screening program for the state of Missouri. To qualify for a free breast and/or cervical cancer screening:
women must be age 35 to 64,
Income at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level for household income
No insurance to cover program service. Health Insurance does not cover services, unable to pay high deductible.
For more information and/or to schedule a appointment call 573-783-2747 Ext. 203.
Pregnancy Testing
Urine tests are provided Monday- Friday 7AM- 5:30 PM. To perform test female must be 2 weeks late from starting normal menstruation cycle. First morning urine is the most accurate in detecting the HCG hormone level, but we will perform them with our normal business hours. Urine must be collected at Madison County Health Department to be able to be tested.
The cost of this service follows the fee for service schedule. If the test is positive or if proper documentation of a positive blood test is made available then at this time you would be eligible to apply for Temporary Medicaid.
View/Download Pregnancy Test Consent Form (PDF).